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- FileSharingShop.Com is the best & most powerful of the Official Resellers: Cheapest Prices - Fastest Delivery - Easy payment methods - No Recurring Payment - Highest Secure. We don’t sell content (files), but only sell services - Premium accounts for high speed access or other such premium benefits. It is strictly forbidden to download or upload any copyrighted content (movie , software, music , picture, ...) without prior approval of the copyright content owner.
- Cheapest Prices: We selling premium file-sharing plans with cheapest prices, no any fees (except paypal payment method). Almost of other resellers will charge 3-15% service fees.
- Fastest Delivery: The processing lead-time of your order depends on the means of payment you have chosen. Usually it does not exceed 5 minutes for on-line payments during opening time, maximum 7 hours
- Easy payment methods: We support more worldwide payment methods: Paypal, Visa/MasterCard/JCB, Bitcoin, Webmoney .. etc
- Non-Recurring payment: We DO NOT recurring the payments of our customers
- High Secure Security: We do not keep records of the card details. Credit/Debitcard are processed by a third party secured payment gateway. ( Cybersource.com )