Holiday Promo Announcment, news and updates!

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File Sharing Coupons

Created Date: 2016-11-25 Hits: 5112 Comment: 0 Holiday Promo Announcment- Filejoker Reseller Paypal

Dear Partners,

Holiday Season is coming up fast and we here at Filejoker are excited to announce our Holiday Promo!

You have a chance to receive a huge bonus, up to $1000 and the best part, anyone can get it, easy!

All you need to do is make as much sales as possible during the period of December 1st - 25th and get that extra cash!

You can read more about the promo and the terms by going here:

We also have some very exciting updates for you. Our payment solutions have expanded. We have added more options, some of them are with rebills, so the sales are skyrocketing.

We have also expanded our platform to allow more files, more webmasters, so go ahead, invite your friends and earn money of all sales they make!

Upload and post more of your files, make cash, take part in this and upcoming promos.

Please remember that we are paying 15% extra for any site sale for 6 month on every new website added to our system. So if you have a site add it, if you don't, get one and make some real cash, be your own boss!

As always we are happy to provide top notch dedicated webmaster support via email and Skype, fast upload and download speed, lots of space, free premium accounts, custom rates and terms and of course always on time Payouts!

The customer can buy Filejoker premium key at Filejoker reseller Paypal

Happy Holidays, Team


